Why is my bounce rate 0%?

If the bounce rate is shown as 0% in the performance report, you either have an absolute top product-keyword combination - which is unfortunately almost never the case - or an error in the link, which is the more common cause.

The bounce rate is a metric that is generated by Google Analytics. This is then passed on to Google Ads so that this data can be allocated, displayed and monitored in your Shopstory account at keyword level.

If the bounce rate is shown as 0% in the "Google Ads Performance Report", this can have two reasons:

  1. Google Analytics is not (correctly) connected to Google Ads. However, this is necessary for the correct display and easy to implement. You can find the exact description here:


  2. Google Analytics is not properly integrated on your page, which means that this data is not collected. You can find out how to integrate this here: