Why are my expenses higher than my budget?

There can be several reasons for this:

Rear window:

So it may be that Google spent less budget than it had available in the first half of the month and now it has caught up. Because Shopstory provides a 30-day review window here, it can appear as if Shopstory is exceeding the daily budget. In reality, however, the budget limits are adhered to on a monthly basis.

Amended budget:

You adjusted and reduced your budget not too long ago. The expenses always refer to the last 30 days. This means that it may take some time until the costs here correspond to the settings.

External keywords:

This can happen when you add keywords to existing campaigns that are not managed by Shopstory. Spend for these keywords will be displayed in the overview.

However, the budget you see is the budget that is only available for Shopstory campaigns and is managed by Shopstory.