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What happens to keywords that do not perform? What does "not performing" even mean?

"Not performing" can have several meanings in this context:

1. the keyword is not advertised:

This is not tragic because it does not cause any costs. Why it is not used to advertise can have various reasons. For example, it may be that other keywords work better with the ad and Google therefore displays the ads with other keywords in Google Search.

2. the keyword becomes too expensive:

If the price of a keyword becomes too expensive because several competitors are bidding on the same word, Shopstory automatically detects this and pauses the keyword in question.

When a keyword is paused depends on your settings and the stored profitability values. As soon as a keyword is "profitable" again, the pause is automatically reversed.

3. other metrics are not satisfactory:

If the keyword's bounce rate is too high or, for example, the quality score is too low, Shopstory also intervenes and pauses the keyword so that there is no negative influence on the overall performance.