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How do the values for determining profitability for brands and categories (margin, conversion rate, shopping basket) behave?

Are these transferred to underlying products?


For categories as well as for brands, these are automatically taken over in the products. This can be seen in the product in the "INFO" tab. If the values are taken over from the project settings, "inherited from project" is written in brackets.

This is how it looks by default.


If there have been adjustments here in the brand or in the category, this is also shown in the brackets, as per the attached image.

In this example, the conversion rate in the brand was adjusted, the profit margin in the category was adjusted and the average shopping basket was adjusted directly.


The ranking is as follows: project setting < category < brand < category+brand < direct adjustment.

This means that if the values in the category and in the brand have been corrected, the values from the changed brand are more important for the product and these are also adopted.