What are these keywords?

When you type a word or string of words into a search engine, like Google, you generally receive a list of relevant organic results and paid advertisements.

So, how does Google know which pages and ads are relevant to the search query that you made?

It all comes down to keywords!

Definition of keyword

In general, a keyword is a word or group of words that describe the content of a webpage and can be used to match the words or phrases people enter into search engines.

In terms of eCommerce, a keyword can be better understood as:

Keyword vs search term

A search term refers to the words typed into Google. So if you type the words "black running shoes" into Google search, that constitutes a search term.

On the other hand, keywords refer to the words placed on web pages or attached to Google Ads that are used to match with search terms.

Critical to success!

- When someone conducts a Google search, Google determines if a web page should appear in the search results based on the similarity between the keyword(s) linked to that page and the search term used. Similarly, Google determines if an ad should appear in a search result based on the similarity between the ad’s keywords and the search term used in the search.

So, in order to ensure that your product pages and ads appear when someone uses a relevant search terms, its crucial that you use the right keywords! Doing so will boost your organic traffic (SEO) and your paid ads (SEA) and ultimately increase your revenue and profitability.