Error message: Unexpected error value
There can be various reasons for this:
1st reason:
The reason for this error message may be that no "daily advertising budget" has been specified in Shopstory .
Open your shop story and go to " Settings " → " Configure Google Ads ". There you will find your " Daily advertising budget " at the top , which may be used for the advertising of all campaigns managed by Shopstory. Press the "pen" there, enter the desired daily budget and save.
After making this change, you should be able to run an ad.
If you're still having trouble, please contact support right away via the app and we'll take care of it as soon as possible.
2nd reason:
Your Google account is not confirmed or Google has another problem that needs to be solved. As a result, your account with Google is currently not activated .
Log into Google with your account and follow the instructions . Google will let you know what the problem is and what you can do to make the account active .
3rd reason:
Unfortunately, the error can also be triggered when the Google interface is temporarily overloaded.
We can only recommend trying again the following day.
Optimizations are already being worked on here, so that this case should no longer have any negative effects on Shopstory in the future.